Dead by Daylight achievement cheating report

If you unlock, lock, modify or even touch the achievements in Dead by Daylight using a 3rd party tool you will eventually get banned by either the developers or Easy Anti-Cheat. And a lot of players go on witch hunts reporting everyone they even think to have modified their achievements to the developers.

So.. While browsing the forums I found this gem..

And when you go to the profile page of the one who started that thread, Sariko❤™ you will see that he/she has unlocked over half of the achievements at Unlocked 1 Nov @ 7:58pm – which of course is not possible without manually unlocking them with a 3rd party tool.

I guess he/she doesn’t know that the forums is a public place and you could of contacted the developers via email as well, where they cannot see your own achievements if you do it anonymously.

Lost progress

I lost Dead by Daylight progress for the first time two days ago. Thanks to my backup I got all my stuff back, however I still lost my online rank because that is stored server side and cannot be backed up.

If you want to backup your save file read this Steam guide. I use this script myself, The only thing I lost besides rank was 3 games worth of bloodpoints I had gained between the backup and loss of progress.

Dead by Daylight 1.5.3b patch problems


  • Adjusted matchmaking logic for Survivor to ignore ranks after waiting for more than 90 seconds (after 90 seconds of waiting, as a survivor, the game will attempt to join any lobby available)


That causes this to happen:

As if the matchmaking wasn’t broken enough as it was but now you get to play versus any rank without any kind of matchmaking which can cause either boredom or frustration depending on your online ranking and skills.

DbD body blocking got me reported

I got reported for body blocking for 5 seconds because it’s unsportsmanlike, really?

Then how come survivors are allowed to body block the killer from hooking or the hillbilly can block until they have chainsaw all revved up?

PS. Yeah I know the Twitch and Discord overlays are in the way of the chat, I moved them after I noticed this and shouldn’t happen in the future.

Dead by Daylight anniversary event day 4

All you need to do is play, once or more.. I guess.

The goal is shared between the whole community so you don’t need to do all the work.

Killers must successfully use their power 500,000 times.
Score events are:

  • Trapper – Grab Trapped Survivor
  • Wraith – Surprise Attack
  • Hillbilly Chainsaw Hit
  • Nurse – Lethal Blink
  • Myers – Evil Within
  • The Hag – Phantasm Attack
  • The Doctor – Shocked

Survivor need to add 250,000 objects to the map. (Generator, Exit gate, Totem etc)
Score events are:

  • Map Scout

Completing this challenge will unlock the Classic Sleeveless and Marked Bridal Saw for the whole community! Completing each daily challenge will allow you to unlock the final anniversary challenge “It takes all 5” and its surprise rewards.

Day 4 challenge

Dead by Daylight anniversary event day 3

All you need to do is play, once or more.. I guess.

The goal is shared between the whole community so you don’t need to do all the work.

Killers interrupts 25,000 survivors
Survivors must unhook 250,000 survivors.

Completing this challenge will unlock the Old Man Jake and Marked Spike Maul for the whole community! Completing each daily challenge will allow you to unlock the final anniversary challenge “It takes all 5” and its surprise rewards.

Day 3 challenge

Dead by Daylight anniversary event day 2

All you need to do is play, once or more.. I guess.

The goal is shared between the whole community so you don’t need to do all the work.

Killers will have to start 1,500,000 chases using the scoring event
Survivors will have to start and lose 1,000,000 chases using the scoring

Completing this challenge will unlock the Old-School Windbreaker and Marked Bloodlust Axe for the whole community! Completing each daily challenge will allow you to unlock the final anniversary challenge “It takes all 5” and its surprise rewards.

Day 2 challenge