I wonder what ping means..
If your ping bar icon is red (250+ ms) that means you will most likely to have moderate to high lags in the game. You are also free to leave the lobby if the ping doesn’t suit you.
He accused me of lag switch but.. If your ping is stable how is it switching?
In Dead by Daylight which has been peer to peer game from release date to somewhere summer 2019 the killer acts as host and can lag on purpose to make a hard time for survivors to navigate the map without running into walls or just limit network connection to the clients to stop them from moving completly.
On top of whining at me for his own laggy connection he ragequit as soon as I downed him for the first time – less than two minutes into the game. Other players had OK ping and didn’t complain, or lag in-game.
No idea why his ping was that high, according to his Steam profile game review he speaks Turkish. Didn’t check his ping or country so can’t be sure. As for my connection during that game I had 50 Mbps upload speed which is more than enough for Turkey clients/survivors connecting to my game server.
His permanent Steam profile url: Udayzen