Why does everyone think I work for Valve/Steam if I post a lot stuff to the forums? (98% help others, 1% useless junk, 1% asking help myself)
I will be posting Steam chat logs here from such cases..
Below is chat log from user http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198107207920/ from 8.3.2014, he added me.
Never tell your password to anyone.
8. March 2014
21:44 – Slay___: Hello, why did you add me?
21:45 – Edža: Hello, i whana ask can i fix valve id -.-
21:46 – Slay___: What do you mean?
21:47 – Edža: when i whrite “status” in console, there are VALVE_ID instead of STEAM ID
21:47 – Slay___: That means you are probably playing in a pirated server instead of Steam server..