Toxicity of the day 16.05.2021

Was playing Dead by Daylight normally without tunneling anyone or anything that the player base considers to be toxic or against their made up rules.

During the end game when only two players were alive I started a chase while the other player was hooked. I followed them to the hook, they unhooked the player. After which the freshly unhooked player started running into me and blocking me so I couldn’t chase the other player that I was chasing previously.

When I downed that player I started looking for the other one again, without seeing them anywhere so I hooked that player again who was downed. I am guessing this is the part that I got accused of tunneling.

Tunneling term in this context and game means focusing on one survivor out of 4 giving them no chance of escaping or time to work on other objectives besides evading the killer. This is a player made up rule and isn’t against the game official rules found here.

Got maximum score for killer in this particular match, which requires you to give chance to survivors rather than tunneling

And I also got a profile comment which went even further with the insults, which also is a player made up rule for this game. If you lose you must write an angry profile comment to the winner.

Player name: Heisenberg

Steam profile permanent link:

Just stop doing this to others, online or offline. Please.

Toxicity of the day 07.03.2021

Well this is a weird one, not sure how start with this because it’s also a repeat from 4 years ago.

Old case of this person can be reviewed below.

Dead by Daylight bug abuser

And as background information to this new case we have not met in any lobbies or games since this. Nor have we chatted at all in Steam despite him adding me as a friend 4 years ago. Guessing that he added me only to send the Steam group invite which could of been done without being friends as well but he didn’t seem to know that.

He apparently was clearing his friend list and possibly leaving good bye comments to the profiles that he deleted because he was no longer on my friend list after leaving this profile comment to my Steam profile page.

I deleted that comment because that is blatant lie and he also blocked me on Steam in fear of retaliation on my part which I am obviously not going to do.

The nickname was set by me to remember who he was at the time they added on me on Steam and also contains reason why, the video URL.

Player name: Daminionz

Steam profile permanent link:

Just stop doing this to others, online or offline. Please.

Toxicity of the day 07.09.2020

Was playing Dead by Daylight and after the game had ended someone tried to blame it on the team that he died. When no one reacted they possible thought that we either had chat disabled or left the game.

So to get that message 100% heard they turned to Steam profile commenting.

First, the game is intended to play as survive at all costs without hinting towards playing as a team. So that isn’t even required part to this game.

Second, it’s not particularly competitive game either, even if it does feature an online ranking. Which is in the process of being hidden from other players and made meaningless through other pending updates. Even thought it already is meaningless since it only represents how much of the game you play monthly.

Player name: 3,93€

Steam profile permanent link:

Just stop doing this to others, online or offline. Please.

Toxicity of the day 24.08.2020

Was playing Dead by Daylight and someone who I was in the same game with added me on Steam. After I accepted the invite they only sent me one message and deleted me right away after that.

All I did in that game was to kill the survivors while slightly giving them more chances of escaping by not “tryharding”, whatever that word means..

Someone did disconnect very early on from the game, I didn’t see, chase, hit or hook the person who disconnected.

Often when someone disconnects early on the game tends to lean towards farming points which I find very boring and time consuming, usually giving less bloodpoints compared to normal games also due to lack of chases.

I do sometimes farm if I have already played a lot of games previously but if I start farming right at the start of my play session it usually kills my flow and I don’t have any will to continue playing for much longer.

And in this case it was early in my session so.. Didn’t farm.

My will to farm bloodpoints on disconnects has been going down a lot because people disconnect when they are losing making the game often a free win for the killer. I don’t want a free win or to farm, I just want to play the game. Stop disconnecting on purpose and just take the loss.

The person who sent me that message on Steam has played this game for a lot of hours, surely you can accept a loss by now? Just calm down, it’s only a game.

Screenshot showing the play hours of the person. Note that the profile page is only visible to friends and I had opened it before he deleted me from his friends.

Player name: jeremy

Steam profile permanent link:

Just stop doing this to others, online or offline. Please.

How easy it is to get a negative profile comment from Dead by Daylight

This post is to demonstrate how easy it is to get a negative profile comment from Dead by Daylight game by a player who was in the same game as you.


I was pretty much just repairing for the whole game and team did instant hook saves while looping the killer around the map. The one chance I got to unhook someone was after all generators were finished and right after unhooking I noticed the killer had NOED perk so I headed to an exit gate, killer followed me so I just exit since everyone else were safe and far away from that exit gate.

But I still got a negative comment for helping the team to get out!? What was I supposed to do? Lead the killer towards other survivors to “help” them in some way?

Profile comment from 76561198989687591.

I don’t mind the profile comments, negative or positive. Before Dead by Daylight I had my Steam profile commenting turned off, I only turned it on to gather profile comments, mostly negative, from this game alone. And as an added bonus I started also getting some from Rocket League and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.


Banned from Dead by Daylight Steam hub

Well it finally happened..

The evil hacker got banned from Dead by Daylight Steam community hub, me.

The question I answered

My first reply, which also got me banned

My second reply on the topic, which got deleted because of my previous reply

Link to the discussion,

There is a rule not discuss exploits on the official forums but I don’t see how simply answering this question is bad or even against the rules. The moderators just locked that topic without answering it in any way.

For example if someone would ask “What is speedhack?” would I get banned if I answered that by explaining what it is and how it works?

And how are you supposed to report let alone spot cheating and exploiting if you don’t know what those things are?

This specific exploit isn’t described or documented anywhere and only mentioned by name in the game rules on official forums,

So only the people that can spot it knows what it is, others might blame their own Internet connection or more likely the game since nothing is their own fault ever. And also was popular go to accusation when someone lost while this game was peer to peer, I myself even got a Steam profile comment where someone accused me of using this exploit when I wasn’t and I wrote a blog post about it, Lag switching accusation with a red ping in DbD, nearly an year ago. Which goes to show that there is some confusion about this which needs to be cleared to avoid reporting when nothing wrong is being done. Even if people report anyway for whatever reason they want and wrongful reports lead to being discarded.

My post did not give explicit instructions how to perform the exploit itself. Even if you would try attempting anything I wrote it would do you more harm than good. Because that’s not how you actually perform the exploit in question, even if it were that doesn’t even work anymore altogether because the game has moved from peer to peer connections to dedicated servers several months ago.

I would never give out instructions how to cheat or exploit in multiplayer games and have worked in volunteer project which once were a big blacklisting plugin to stopping cheaters in Source Engine (Valve, Counter-Strike: Source) games called SteamBans.

So in conclusion don’t go on Dead by Daylight Steam hub or official forums telling people that what cheats are, let them be confused about words they might have heard elsewhere and are looking for more information about what the word means in relation to the game itself. All games have common buzzwords that people like to repeat and abbreviate without explaining others what that word might mean. I personally haven’t for example heard this word being used in other games within the Steam platform and always try to look up the meaning of certain words and phrases used to know what people are talking about. And have done a lot of research for this word in the past so I just tried to help out someone else doing their research into a subject that I have some knowledge about.

This exploit no longer works in the game, not when I get banned and not when this blog post was written. This blog post is for those who are still researching the subject of Dead by Daylight and lag switch or switching and to warn that you will not get an official reply or any reply really if you try to ask this question on the official forums or Steam discussions.

Update 01.03.2020

After doing some research turns out there is a way to mimic the original lag switch method where it only affects you and you wont get high ping either. And it looks like this (someone did it to me), video clip below. I wont go into further details how this works to prevent further abuse by players who don’t know how to perform this. My description above is not how this new method works or how the older one which cannot be performed anymore worked.

Angry DBD player ragequit and profile comment

Another day and another ragequitter in Dead by Daylight.. However this one posted “kill yourself” to every survivors Steam profile page that they could, one profile was private.

And even during double bloodpoints weekend they ragequit just as the survivors were about to escape by pulling their Internet cable from their PC or otherwise shutdown their network connection.

The match wasn’t overly unfair to the player who got angry in the role of the killer. One of the players, lastik, had Object of Obsession perk and kept running away from the killer around all looping areas of the map. No one blinded the killer and the killer mainly only chased that one player instead of guard the generators from being completed or exit gates from being opened.

Overall this shouldn’t have caused the killer, Glühwürmchen, to react this way. Not to mention this is never OK anywhere, not even on online games where you don’t see your opponents face to face or in general know them in person.

Translation of those profile comments are;

fuck … please die …

stupid cunt. please die, you retard

I wasn’t streaming or recording this game myself so I had to grab recording from lastik’s Twitch to show what happened in this particular game of Dead by Daylight.

Funny dbd profile comment

Umm.. That’s not how Steam works at all.. You have to go to All Recently Played first and then check each game from there. Steam profile only shows total among all games played within a two week period.

Which in reality shows this at the time of the comment..

I am sorry that I haven’t played that much recently No0btellatoast, and also.. I never derank on purpose, in any game including this one. But thank you anyway, I will forever hold your comment on my trophy section of my Steam profile page.

Lag switching accusation with a red ping in DbD

I wonder what ping means..


If your ping bar icon is red (250+ ms) that means you will most likely to have moderate to high lags in the game. You are also free to leave the lobby if the ping doesn’t suit you.

He accused me of lag switch but.. If your ping is stable how is it switching?

In Dead by Daylight which has been peer to peer game from release date to somewhere summer 2019 the killer acts as host and can lag on purpose to make a hard time for survivors to navigate the map without running into walls or just limit network connection to the clients to stop them from moving completly.

On top of whining at me for his own laggy connection he ragequit as soon as I downed him for the first time – less than two minutes into the game. Other players had OK ping and didn’t complain, or lag in-game.

No idea why his ping was that high, according to his Steam profile game review he speaks Turkish. Didn’t check his ping or country so can’t be sure. As for my connection during that game I had 50 Mbps upload speed which is more than enough for Turkey clients/survivors connecting to my game server.

His permanent Steam profile url: Udayzen


Funny -rep comment

Well here we go again, Dead by Daylight player whine comment on my Steam profile.

First, he commented on the wrong profile.. Nearly an hour after we had played together. And then he doesn’t even know about the biggest bug happening right now where lots of people (including me) have had their game freeze during loading screen (more about that here). And the list goes on.. I was the killer in that game, where he was playing in a full SWF team with his mates..

His Steam profile for reference: Juu.

Alcohol and Dead by Daylight doesn’t mix well, remember that kids!

Tried to help him direct his hatred against the intended target but he just deleted my comment and ignored it. Didn’t delete the comment from my profile either.