I am in the same boat as 98% others who wanted to buy Nvidia RTX 3080. Didn’t get one on the launch day.
Around 15 minutes before sale start the site already reported that it was out of stock, then went to different wording saying the same thing of being out of stock. And then almost two hours after sale was supposed to start I managed to add one in cart.
I got all the way to billing information step until the site crashed giving out HTTP errors 503 and 504.
After the errors 503 and 504 when the site recovered it brought me back to cart and said my cart was empty. I tried going back to main Nvidia site but it said out of stock so couldn’t add one to my cart. Then I tried using the back button on my browser but it kept bringing me back to the empty cart.
I wish the store would reserve the products in cart in case the site crashes, makes me feel robbed that I actually had one in cart and still didn’t manage to get it.
The worst thing in all of this was that I decided to purchase the founders edition and only Nvidia store sells it.
The other retailers in Finland started selling the card a whole hour before Nvidia. And those sold out in 10 minutes anyway.
Nvidia store restocks on the founders edition cards on Monday 21.09.2020, hopefully I have better luck then. But even with luck the estimated time previous stock sold out was just 30 seconds or less.